Uncommon Love

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

God’s love for humanity transcends time, culture, religion and the persistent obstinacy of a fallen mankind. He provides all people with the very air they breathe and He created a planet that is seventy-one percent water which is essential for … Continued

God’s Signature

posted in: Authenticity | 1

This morning as I gazed upon the sparkling leaves of the cottonwood trees reflecting the rays of sunshine, as they danced in the gentle breeze, I praised God for such beauty. No human artist can capture such elegance or duplicate … Continued


posted in: Theology | 0

There is much societal pressure these days for Christianity to conform to today’s culture. That the Bible is outdated and written for a different time. People have trouble reconciling the God who is revealed in the Old Testament with Christ’s … Continued

A Brief Window In Time

posted in: Inspirational | 0

If you have ever had the opportunity to spend some time in an old age home or a palliative care ward it quickly becomes apparent that the human body is frail, fragile and finite. Whether you once owned businesses, were … Continued

Formidable Forbearance

posted in: Theology | 0

The first seven verses of the sixth chapter of the book of Genesis describe how the sinfulness of man increased after the fall in the garden of Eden to the point where God regretted creating humanity. “The Lord saw how … Continued

Obligated to Holiness

posted in: Theology | 2

Every now and then I hear the opinion that the ten commandments were never written for the Gentiles and since believers are not under law but under grace, the commandments are irrelevant. Another comment I have heard is that since … Continued

The Good Bride

posted in: Theology | 0

The Christian church as the bride of Christ is called to be loyal to Christ. She must establish herself as the apple of His eye and the pride of His kingdom. Not some disobedient concubine satisfied with sleeping on the … Continued

Do you believe?

posted in: Theology | 0

John 3:16 boldly proclaims, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This is probably the most recognized, most quoted, most cherished … Continued

Sincere, Saving Faith

posted in: Theology | 0

Can someone say they believe that Jesus Christ lived, died and subsequently resurrected, professing to be a Christian and yet not be saved? If there is nothing we can do to earn salvation can we lose it through our actions? … Continued

David’s Fallen Tent

posted in: Theology | 0

Over thirty-five hundred years ago God called Abraham out of the land of Ur. Genesis 12:2-3 records the words of the Lord as he promised Abraham: “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I … Continued